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西班牙炸油條 Churros w/ Chocolate Sauce

【西班牙炸油條 Churros w/ Chocolate Sauce】

無見一排,又係時候深夜放吓毒!近期工作忙碌,個個都話我瘦咗 (雖然可能只係客套說話)!不過咁樣就令我食起甜品嚟無咁有罪疚感😂



材料 Ingredients:

西班牙炸油條 Churros

  • 牛油 Butter | 100 g

  • 麵粉 All-purpose flour | 190 g

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 25 g

  • 鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp

  • 雞蛋 Egg | 3 pc

  • 水 Water | 350 ml

  • 油 Vegetable oil | 1.5 L

肉桂糖 Soup Base

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 100 g

  • 肉桂粉 Cinnamon powder | 1 tbsp

肉桂糖 Soup Base

  • 70% 黑朱古力 70% Dark chocolate | 100 g

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 30 g

  • 辣椒粉 Chilli powder | 1/2 tsp

  • 雲呢拿精油 Vanilla extract | 1 tsp

  • 淡忌廉 Heavy cream | 120 ml

  • 拔蘭地 Brandy | 2 tbsp


做法 Directions:

  1. 先製作麵糊,把牛油、水、砂糖和鹽煮滾後關火,立即把所有麵粉倒入鍋中,攪拌至光滑。再倒出麵糊至另一隻碗中,讓其稍為降溫。

  2. 再逐隻雞蛋加進麵糊中,攪拌至融合為止。將八角唧嘴放入唧袋裡,再把麵糊放入唧袋備用。

  3. 把砂糖和玉桂粉混合再倒在平底焗盤中備用

  4. 製作朱古力醬。把淡忌廉煲滾後,關火。倒入朱古力碎、鹽、辣椒粉、雲呢拿精油拌勻至滑身,再倒入少量白蘭地拌勻,便可。

  5. 把油煮熱至180度,把麵糊唧入油鍋中,炸5至8分鐘至金黃色。撈起放在紙巾中,吸去多餘油份,再放入玉桂粉翻滾沾上糖。

  6. 放在碟上,再在旁邊放上雪糕和朱古力醬便可。

  1. First of all, make the choux pastry. Combine butter, water, sugar and salt in a small pot, and bring it to a boil. Turn off the heat, and add all the flour in at once, stir vigorously until smooth. Transfer the choux pastry into another bowl and let it cool down to about 30C.

  2. Add one egg at a time, and stir until it incorporate thoroughly with the paste. Use a star tip and transfer the paste into a pipping bag.

  3. In a flat tray, combine sugar and cinnamon powder to make cinnamon sugar.

  4. Make the chocolate sauce. In a sauce pot, bring the cream to a boil. Turn off the heat and add chopped chocolate, salt, chilli powder and vanilla extract in, and stir it until it becomes a smooth, glossy sauce.

  5. Heat up the oil to 180C. Pipe the paste into the pot of oil, and let it deep-fry for 5-8 minutes until golden brown. Take the churros out and let it rest on a piece of paper towel to drain all excess oil. After a minute or so, roll the churros in the cinnamon sugar while they are still hot.

  6. Place the churros on a plate and serve them with the chocolate sauce and ice-cream. Enjoy!

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