【泡菜炸蠔餅 Deep-fried Kimchi Oyster Pancake】
《30 分鐘大放餸》- 下酒菜
P.S. 多謝各位收看過去幾個星期五的 《30分鐘大放餸》!節目中示範的每一道菜式我也花了不少心思,但只要大家喜歡,一切的努力也是值得的!
Drinking and eating always go together! This Deep-fried Kimchi Oyster Pancake makes the perfect companion for my late night beer!
材料 Ingredients:
— 蠔餅 Oyster Pancake —
蠔仔 Small oysters|100 克 g
生粉 Potato starch | 2 湯匙 tbsp
麵粉 Flour | 5 湯匙 tbsp
木薯粉 Tapioca starch | 2 湯匙 tbsp
鴨蛋 Duck egg | 1 隻 pc
鹽 Salt | 1/4茶匙 tsp
胡椒粉 Pepper | 1/4 茶匙 tsp
洋蔥碎 Onion (chopped) | 4 湯匙 tbsp
泡菜 Kimchi (chopped) | 50 克 g
菜油 Vegetable Oil | 1.5 公升 Litre
— 醬汁 Dipping Sauce —
豉油 Soy sauce | 120 克 g
醋 White vinegar | 2 湯匙 tbsp
砂糖 Sugar | 1 湯匙 tbsp
韓式辣椒粉 Korean chilli flakes | 1/4 茶匙 tsp
麻油 Sesame oil | 1 茶匙 tsp
做法 Directions:
Use 2-3 tablespoons of potato starch (outside from the quantity listed in the recipe) to clean the slime on the oysters, rinse thoroughly. Pour some hot water over the oysters to partially cook them.
Make the dipping sauce. Mix soy sauce, white vinegar, sugar, Korean chilli flakes and sesame oil together.
In a mixing bowl, put flour, potato starch, tapioca starch, duck egg and seasoning in and mix well. Then add the chopped onion, chopped kimchi and oyster in and stir well.
Add the oil in a big pan and heat it up to 200C. Use a ladle and put half of the batter into the hot oil at once. Once the pancake can hold its shape, filp it and baste it until the oysters are cooked through. (About 3-5 minutes)