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亞洲風味三文魚餅 Asian Salmon Cakes

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【亞洲風味三文魚餅 Asian Salmon Cakes | #JamieOliver教曉我的菜式 - No. 2】





材料 Ingredients:

  • 三文魚 Salmon | ~400 g

  • 薑 Ginger | 3 slices

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 3 cloves

  • 紫蘇葉 Perilla | 4 pcs

  • 芫荽 Coriander | 2 stalks

  • 鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp

  • 胡椒粉 Ground pepper | 1/2 tsp

  • 韓國辣椒粉 Korean chilli flakes | 1/2 tsp

  • 生粉 Potato starch | 1 tsp

  • 醬油 Soy sauce | 1 tsp

  • 麻油 Sesame oil | 1 tsp

  • 雞醬 Sweet chilli sauce | 1 tbsp

  • 水 Water | 1 tbsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先把三文魚扒去皮、去骨(用三文魚柳會更方便,不過價錢相對略貴一點),把魚肉切成粗粒。如果沒有攪拌機,可以直接把魚肉剁成魚蓉。

  2. 把薑、蒜頭、紫蘇葉和芫荽切碎。

  3. 把以上材料和鹽、胡椒粉、韓式辣椒碎、生粉、醬油和麻油用攪拌機打爛拌勻。如果沒有攪拌機,可以把所有材料切得碎一點和調味料拌勻亦可。

  4. 把混合物分成六等份,搓圓壓實再略為按扁。

  5. 在一隻平底鑊中加入菜油,開中火,把魚餅每邊煎大概2分鐘直至熟透為止。完成後關火,倒入泰式雞醬和水兜勻便完成。

  1. Remove the skin and bones from the salmon steak. You could use salmon filets for easier handling, yet they are more expensive than the steaks. If you don't have a food processor, just use your knife to mince the fish meat.

  2. Finely chop the ginger, garlic, perilla leaves and coriander.

  3. Blend the above ingredients along with salt, pepper, Korean chilli flakes, potato starch, soy sauce and sesame oil in a food processor. If you don't have a processor, just make sure you chop all the ingredients fine enough and mix them well together.

  4. Divide the mixture into six equal portions.

  5. In a frying pan, add some vegetable oil in and turn the heat up to medium. Fry the fish cakes for about 2 minutes each side. Turn the heat off, and add the sweet chilli sauce and water in, and toss everything together while there is still some residual heat from the pan.

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