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三款高級牛扒醬汁 THREE Yummy Steak Sauces

三款高級牛扒醬汁 THREE Yummy Steak Sauces

我與John Rocha的合作項目 「同遊異輯 COLLAGE」也算終於開始啦。第一集就有我們分別製作出兩款配菜和三種醬汁去配襯牛扒。


-- 紅酒醬汁 Red Wine Sauce–

材料 Ingredients:

  • 乾蔥 Chinese onion | 2 pcs

  • 蒜蓉 White wine | 2 cloves

  • 紅酒 Red wine | 100 ml

  • 牛高湯 Beef stock | 100 ml

  • 牛油 Butter | 10 g

  • 麵粉 Flour | 10 g

做法 Method:

  1. 開火,在鍋中放入油、乾蔥碎和蒜蓉炒香。加入紅酒,煮數分鐘把一半的水分收汁。

  2. 之後倒入牛高湯,再收汁。

  3. 把牛油和麵粉混合成麵糰。放入醬汁裡攪拌。調味。煮數分鐘汁稠身。完成!

  1. Turn on the heat, pour some oil into the pot and saute the chopped shallots and garlic. Add the red wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce the liquid in half.

  2. Add the beef stock and reduce it in half again.

  3. Mix the butter and flour to make beurre manie. Add it into the sauce. Season it. Keep stirring it and cook until the sauce starts to thicken. Done!


-- 蕎頭忌廉醬汁 Chinese Onion Cream Sauce–

材料 Ingredients:

  • 蕎頭 Chinese onion | 3 pcs

  • 白酒 White wine | 100 ml

  • 牛高湯 Beef stock | 100 ml

  • 牛油 Butter | 10 g

  • 麵粉 Flour | 10 g

  • 淡忌廉 | 100 ml

做法 Method:

  1. 開火,在鍋中放入蕎頭碎和白酒,煮數分鐘把一半的水分收汁。

  2. 之後倒入牛高湯,再收汁。

  3. 把牛油和麵粉混合成麵糰。調味。放入醬汁裡攪拌。煮數分鐘汁稠身。

  4. 關火,倒入淡忌廉。攪至均勻並完成。

  1. Turn on the heat, get the chopped Chinese onion and white wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce the liquid in half.

  2. Add the beef stock and reduce it in half again.

  3. Mix the butter and flour to make beurre manie. Add it into the sauce. Season well. Keep stirring it and cook until the sauce starts to thicken.

  4. Turn off the stove. Pour in the cream and mix well. Done!


-- 賓尼士醬 Bearnaise Sauce–

材料 Ingredients:

  • 乾蔥 Chinese onion | 2 pcs

  • 龍蒿 Tarragon | 1 stalk

  • 白酒 White wine | 100 ml

  • 檸檬 Lemon | 1 pc

  • 雞蛋 Egg | 1 pc

  • 澄清牛油 Clarified Butter | 150 g

做法 Method:

  1. 開火,在鍋中放入乾蔥碎、龍蒿碎和白酒,煮數分鐘把水分收至約1湯匙份量。倒出隔渣,把精華放涼備用。

  2. 之後在熱水上放上一隻碗,放入蛋黃和精華。開始拂打。之後,一邊加入溶化的澄清牛油,一邊繼續拂打,至達到像蛋黃醬的濃稠度便可。

  3. 再放入調味和龍蒿碎,拌勻便成!

  1. Turn on the heat, get the chopped shallot, tarragon and white wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce to a tablespoon of liquid. Strain it, and reserve the liquid.

  2. Place a bowl over a bain-marie, put the yolk and the liquid into the bowl. Start whisking it, while slowly adding the clarified butter. Keep doing it until the consistency becomes something similar to the texture of a mayonnaise.

  3. Season it and add some more chopped tarragon. Mix well. Done!

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