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營多撈麵炸廣島蠔 Deep-fried Indomie Oysters

【營多撈麵炸廣島蠔 Deep-fried Indomie Oysters】


不過有限嘅資源先可以激發到無限嘅創意~ 呢句說話係千真萬確嘅!無論你屋企有咩即食麵,又有乜嘢可以炸嘅(雞翼、豆腐、豬扒… 其實乜嘢都得),都可以試吓跟住呢條片嘅方法去做出屬於你嘅菜式!


材料 Ingredients:

營多撈麵 Indomie | 1 pack

廣島蠔 Hiroshima oysters | 12-15 pcs

薑 Ginger | 2 slices

蔥 Scallion | 1 stalk

麵粉 Plain flour | 40 g

鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp

胡椒粉 Ground pepper | 1/2 tsp

雞蛋 Egg | 1 pc

蛋黃醬 Mayonnaise | 2 tbsp

檸檬汁 Lemon juice | 1 tbsp

菜油 Oil | 1 L

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先,把營多撈麵的麵餅、調味粉和醬汁取出。先用攪拌機把麵餅打碎備用。

  2. 製作營多沙律醬。把蛋黃醬、營多的調味醬汁(辣椒醬、甜豉油和蒜油)及檸檬汁拌勻便可。把營多沙律醬轉落一隻醬汁碟,在表面把營多的炸蒜粒放面。

  3. 在一隻碗中,把麵粉、營多的調味粉、鹽和胡椒粉拌勻。在另一隻碗內,打入雞蛋拂勻。

  4. 把廣島蠔清洗乾淨,印乾水之後,順次序先均勻地沾上麵粉,之後蛋漿,最後再沾上麵碎。重複以上步驟直至把所有蠔處理好。

  5. 把油加熱至180度,把蠔落油鑊炸2至3分鐘直至金黃色,便可撈起,瀝油,上碟。

  1. First, take out the noodles, seasoning and sauce from the packing of the Indomie. Use a blender to blend or simply put the noodles in a zip-lock bag and crush it. Transfer them into a bowl.

  2. Mix the sauce from the Indomie with mayonnaise and lemon juice. Transfer into a sauce plate and top with the deep-fried garlic that comes with the Indomie.

  3. In a bowl, mix together the flour, seasoning from the Indomie, salt and pepper together. In another bowl, crack an egg in it and whisk it together.

  4. Wash the oyster well and pat dry them. Roll the oyster in the flour mixture first, then into the egg, and last place it and cover with crushed noodles. Repeat the steps until you finish with all the oysters.

  5. Heat up a pot of oil to 180C. Deep fry the oysters for 2 to 3 minutes until golden brown in color. Take them out and drain any excess oil. It's ready to be served.

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