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海苔貝果 Seaweed Bagels

【海苔貝果 Seaweed Bagels】

【海苔貝果 Seaweed Bagels】

近年很多網店和咖啡店也打着售賣手工Bagel的旗號~ 我亦慕名光顧不少「名店」,當中好壞參半! 今次就讓我由bagel這個題目,重新起步,重拾久違了的《店·煮》系列,外出尋找美食,得以啟發,再製作出屬於自己的美食! 今趟到訪兩間人氣bagel店 — Bforbagel by 404 LOT FINE 和 404 Plant(雖然名字有點相似,但應該是沒有關係的~)為何我吃完之後,有製作出海苔貝果的想法?

無論你是foodie還是愛下廚的朋友,就記得上我YouTube Channel收看呀!


材料 Ingredients:

(4個 pcs)

  • 高筋麵粉 Bread flour|280 克 g

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 10克 g

  • 水 Water | 160 + 10 毫升 ml

  • 即用酵母 Instant yeast | 4 克 g

  • 海鹽 Salt | 6 克 g

  • 牛油 Butter | 10 克 g

  • 飯素 Furikake | 30 克 g

  • 蜜糖 Honey | 20 克 g

  • 芝麻 Sesame | 1 湯匙 tbsp


做法 Directions:

  1. 先將高筋麵粉、砂糖和160毫升的水倒入一隻大碗中拌勻。封上保鮮紙放旁至少30分鐘,甚至放過夜進行自解法(autolyse)。

  2. 用10毫升的清水和即用酵母拌勻,倒入放有麵團的碗中,將材料搓成一團。之後便可取出放在工作枱上搓揉5分鐘。

  3. 倒入6克海鹽,再搓5分鐘至滑身。便可加入牛油和飯素再繼續搓揉8-10分鐘。

  4. 將麵團一分為四等份,將麵團的周邊往中間、𥚃面接,動作好像要將它反出來那麼。再放上枱面用手修一修邊,搓圓和搓緊每個小麵團,封上保鮮紙,等它們變大一倍(約30分鐘)。

  5. 然後便可以整型。用麵粉棍或者手將麵團壓平,把當中的空氣完全壓走,再將它卷成一條長條。搓長至大概兩隻手掌的闊度,再將其中一端壓平,將壓扁的那個位置包着另一端,形成bagel的形狀。再放在焗爐紙上,重複以上動作直至完成4顆bagel。再放上保鮮紙,又再等它們變大一倍(大概20至30分鐘)。

  6. 同時間把焗爐預熱至攝氏220和煮滾一會熱水。在水中加入20克蜜糖,之後便把bagel放入。每邊煮1分30秒,順手把焗爐紙拿出。分半鐘之後,反轉再繼續煮。時間夠了便拿出來,在上端灑上芝麻。就可以放入焗爐中,焗20至25分鐘。之後取出放在架上放涼。完成!

  1. First of all, mix bread flour, sugar and water together in a big mixing bowl. When everything comes together, wrap it with a piece of plastic wrap and leave it aside for at least 30 minutes (or even overnight). This process is called autolyse, which allows the flour to be fully hydrate. In the case, the bread/ bagel will taste even better, and the time needed for kneading will be less as well.

  2. After the autolyse, mix 10ml of water and instant yeast together. Pour that into the mixing bowl with the dough, and knead it for a minute. Transfer the dough onto a work surface and start kneading (about 5 minutes).

  3. Then add the salt and knead until the surface of the dough become smooth (for another 5 minutes or so). Then add the butter and furikake and knead together for 8-10 minutes.

  4. Divide the dough into four equal pieces. Fold the side of the dough inward, and roll it into ball-shape. Cover with plastic wrap and let them proof until they double in size (~ 30-45 minutes).

  5. Then you can start shaping. Use a rolling pin (or with your hands) to flatten the dough and release all the gas inside of the dough. Roll it into a long strip (about the width of two palms). Flatten one end of the strip and bring the other end together. Wrap the flattened part around the other end of the strip to form the shape of a bagel. Place the bagel onto a piece of parchment paper. Repeat the step until you have four bagels ready. Cover with plastic wrap and let it proof again until double in size (~30 minutes).

  6. Preheat your oven to 220C and bring a pot of water to a boil. Add honey into the water. When the water is boiling, gently place your bagels into the pot and remove the parchment paper. Cook each side of the bagel for 1m30s. Then transfer the bagel onto a rack, sprinkle some sesame seeds over them. Transfer the bagels onto a lined baking tray. Bake them at 220C for 20-25 minutes. When done, remove from oven and transfer to a cooling rack.

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