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伏特加醬貝殼粉 Conchiglie alla vodka

伏特加醬貝殼粉 Conchiglie alla vodka

上星期問大家有什麼菜式想我做,有朋友就說想看看Carbone的招牌Spicy Rigatoni Vodka,所以在此便與大家分享一下伏特加醬的做法!

小時候第一次點vodka sauce pasta的時候,純粹因為未夠年齡在餐廳點酒,而覺得在菜式名字𥚃有酒精的出現總好過沒有。到後來才知道少量的酒精可以把醬汁中番茄的鮮味加以突顯出來。總之,無論有酒精或否,這個醬汁肯定是我其中最愛的一款。

When I was young, I ordered vodka sauce pasta because I thought I could get drunk by eating it. But after growing up, I wonder if vodka can help with the flavor. Indeed, a small amount of alcohol can enhance the fruity aroma of the sauce. All I can say is vodka sauce is definitely one of my favorite sauces to go my pasta!


材料 Ingredients:

2人份 |Serves 2

貝殼粉 Conchiglie | 100 g

洋蔥 Onion | 1/2 顆 pc

乾蔥 Shallot | 1 顆 pc

蒜頭 Garlic | 2 瓣 cloves

牛油 Butter | 30 g

乾辣椒碎 Crushed Red Pepper Flakes | 1/2 茶匙 tsp

茄膏 Tomato Paste | 40 g

淡忌廉 Heavy Cream | 125 毫升 ml

伏特加 Vodka | 3 湯tbsp

巴馬臣芝士 Parmesan Cheese | 50 g

羅勒 Basil | 4-6 片 leaves


做法 Directions:

  1. 先按包裝指示及跟據自己的喜好,把意粉煮熟。

  2. 在鑊中放入牛油,用中小火慢炒洋蔥碎、乾蔥碎和蒜蓉至軟身(約十分鐘)。

  3. 再放入乾辣椒碎和茄膏炒香(約五分鐘)。

  4. 倒入淡忌廉、伏特加和巴馬臣芝士,繼續攪拌慢煮讓醬汁乳化。之後放入貝殼粉,多煮一分鐘。

  5. 最後,把意粉放在碟上,刨上更多巴馬臣芝士和放上幾片羅勒葉作裝飾便完成。

  1. Bring a pot of salty hot water to a boil and cook the pasta to your preference.

  2. In a frying pan, add some butter. Saute the chopped onion, shallot and garlic over small-medium heat until softened (about 10 minutes).

  3. Add the crushed red pepper flakes and tomato paste, cook for another five minutes.

  4. Pour the heavy cream and vodka in and grate the parmesan cheese over the sauce. Cook over small heat and let the sauce emulsify. Add the pasta in and cook together with the sauce for another minute.

  5. Put the pasta over a plate, grate more cheese over it and add a few basil leaves for decoration. Done!

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