【🍎碧根果仁蘋果金寶 Apple-Pecan Crumble🍎】
Apple Crumble唔係Apple Pie,未必係「always on your side」,不過佢喺冬天聖誕卻係老是常出現。不過邊個話充滿節日氣氛嘅甜品,只可以一年先見佢一次半次先?好食嘅甜品代表著嘅嗰份快樂同幸福感,應該隨時都可以得到!
快啲試吓跟住呢個食譜整俾你嘅sweet heart啦❤️~
份量 Portion:6-8 servings
材料 Ingredients:
- 餅底Crust (Bottom) -
低筋麵粉 Cake flour |120 g
泡打粉 Baking powder|4 g
鹽 Salt |2.5 g
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter|40 g
黃糖 Brown Sugar|75 g
雞蛋 Egg|1/2 pc
- 蘋果餡 Apple Fillings -
青蘋果 Green Apples (Granny Smith)|2 pcs
紅蘋果 Red Apple (Envy) | 1 pc
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter|30 g
糖 Sugar|50 g
檸檬 Lemon|½ pc
麵粉 Flour |10 g
肉桂粉 Cinnamon powder |2.5 g
- 金寶脆餅碎 Crumble (Top) -
糖 Sugar|50 g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour|45 g
鹽 Salt|1.5 g
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter|40g
碧根果仁 Peacan|30g
雪糕 Ice-cream | ~6 scoops
做法 Directions:
製作蘋果餡。把蘋果去皮及去芯,切成約1cm x 1cm粒狀。在平底鑊中加入牛油,開中火,放入蘋果粒和砂糖炒5至8分鐘,直至蘋果粒變得略為軟身,便可加入肉桂粉和麵粉煮至稠身,最後加入檸檬青和檸檬汁,再煮大概1分鐘之後關火,放旁邊涼備用。
Make the crust. First, cream the butter and brown sugar. Then add the eggs and salt, mix well. Gradually add sifted flour and baking powder in, and fold everything together and form a dough. Wrap it with plastic wrap and store in the fridge for at least an hour.
Make apple filling. Peel and core the apple and cut them into 1cm x 1cm dices. In a frying pan, add butter. Turn the heat to medium and add apple and sugar in and cook for 5-8 minutes until soften. Then add cinnamon and flour and cook until the sauce thicken. Add lemon zest and juice and cook for another minute. Turn the heat off and let it cool aside completely.
Make the crumble. Cut cold butter into dices, mix them with flour, sugar and salt. Use your finger tips to press them together and make into sandy texture.
Dust the working surface with flour and roll the crust out that would be big enough for a 6" inches square. Press the mould over the crust and transfer the apple filling in it.
Chop the pecan. Sprinkle the nuts and the crumble on top of the apple. Place the apple crumble into a preheated oven at 180C and bake for 45 minutes. When done, take it out and let it cool out completely. Cut them into small piece and enjoy it with a scoop of ice cream!