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檸檬鄉村芝士鬆餅 Lemon Ricotta Pancakes

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【檸檬鄉村芝士鬆餅 Lemon Ricotta Pancakes】


答案係,加啲ricotta就搞掂㗎啦!#SecretIngredient #其實都唔係啲咩秘密

我想睇點整,可以上返ViuTV app足本重溫第240集嘅《#今餐有料到》啦!


份量 Portion:4 pcs

材料 Ingredients:

- 鬆餅粉漿 Pancake Batter -

  • 鄉村芝士 Ricotta | 75 g

  • 蛋黃 Yolk | 1 pc

  • 牛奶 Milk | 75 ml

  • 檸檬青 Lemon zest | 1 pc

  • 雲呢拿精油 Vanilla extract | 1/2 tsp

  • 中筋麵粉 Plain flour | 100 g

  • 泡打粉 Baking powder | 7.5 g

  • 蛋白 Egg white | 2 pcs

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 15 g

- 檸檬凝乳 Lemon Curd -

  • 檸檬 Lemon | 1 pc

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 35 g

  • 雞蛋 Egg | 1.5 pc

  • 牛油 Butter | 30 g

- 藍莓醬 Blueberry Sauce -

  • 藍莓 Blueberries | 100 g

  • 檸檬汁 Lemon juice | 1/2 pc

  • 水 Water | 50 ml

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 30 g

  • 蜜糖 Honey | 1 tbsp

  • 薄荷葉 Mint | 2-3 leaves

做法 Directions:

  1. 製作檸檬凝乳。把檸檬汁和砂糖煮滾,離火並加入雞蛋一隻攪拌,再用細火煮至稠身。關火,加入牛油拌勻,過隔篩,用保鮮紙貼面封好。放涼,雪藏備用。

  2. 製作藍莓醬。把藍莓、檸檬汁、水和砂糖加入鍋中,用細火煮20分鐘至稠身便可。

  3. 製作鬆餅。將Ricotta芝士、蛋黃、牛奶、檸檬青和雲呢拿油拌勻。

  4. 在另一隻碗中,把麵粉和泡打粉過隔篩,與(3)混合拌勻,放旁備用。

  5. 用打蛋器把蛋白和砂糖打起至硬性發泡狀態。完成後,與(3)和(4)混合。

  6. 在一隻平底鑊中加入牛油,開中火,把一些混合物倒入一個約8厘米的圓形模具中煎香,約兩分鐘後緣模具用刀劃一圈,拿開模具,把鬆餅反轉再煎一兩分鐘,重複製作多件鬆餅便可上碟。

  1. Make lemon curd. In a pot, bring lemon juice and sugar to a boil. Turn the heat off and add an egg in it and mix well. Turn on the heat again to low, keep stirring until the curd thickens. Turn the heat off, and add butter, mix well. Pass the curd through a sieve. Cover with plastic wrap directly in contact with the surface of the curd. Let cool and store in fridge.

  2. Make blueberry sauce. Add blueberries, lemon juice, water and sugar in a pot, simmer for 20 minutes until it thickens a little.

  3. Make pancake batter. Mix ricotta, yolk, milk, lemon zest and vanilla extract together.

  4. In another bowl, sieve the flour and baking powder. Mix it with the mixture from step (3).

  5. In another bowl, whisk up egg white and sugar to peak stiffs stage. When done, mix it with the mixture from step (4).

  6. In a frying pan, add some butter in and turn the heat on to medium. Place a 8cm- diameter round cake ring on the pan and pour sufficient batter (with about a 2-3 cm thickness) in the centre of the ring. After 2 minutes, run your knife around the inside of the mould, remove the ring. Flip the pancake upside down and continue to cook for another 2 minutes. Repeat the step until you have used up all the batter.

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