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意式糖醋炸鱔球 Deep-fried Eel w/ Strawberry Gastrique

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark


【意式糖醋炸鱔球 Deep-fried Eel w/ Strawberry Gastrique】



我想睇點整,可以上返ViuTV app足本重溫第206集嘅《今餐有料到》啦!


材料 Ingredients:

  • 白鱔 Eel | 1 catty (斤)

  • 鹽 Salt | 1 tsp

  • 黑胡椒碎 Ground black pepper | 1 tsp

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 3 cloves

  • 檸檬皮 Lemon peel | 1 pc

  • 白酒醋 White wine vinegar | 1 Tbsp

  • 月桂葉 Bay leaf | 1 Leaf

  • 生粉 Potato starch | 6 tbsps

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 2 tbsp

- 意式酸甜醬 Gastrique -

  • 意大利陳醋 Balsamic vinegar | 2 tbsps

  • 士多啤梨 Strawberries | 4 - 6 pcs

  • 水 Water | 3 tbsps

  • 豉油 Soy sauce | 1 tbsp

  • 白蘭地 Brandy | 1 tbsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先處理白鱔。用鹽和生粉把表面的黏液去除。把中間的魚骨切去。把鱔魚印乾水。把鱔肉𠝹花,切段。

  2. 把鱔肉、鹽、黑胡椒、蒜頭、檸檬皮、白酒醋和月桂葉拌勻,醃1小時。

  3. 製作醬汁。先把砂糖倒入平底鑊中煮成焦糖,再倒入意大利陳醋、切碎的士多啤梨、水、豉油和白蘭地煮至稠身,放旁備用。

  4. 把鱔肉輕輕印乾水,裹上生粉。放入170度的油鑊中炸大概2分鐘。撈起,把油溫加熱至200度,再把鱔球回鍋炸1分鐘。

  5. 同時間,把醬汁再次加熱,把炸好的鱔球回鍋兜勻便完成。

  1. Prepare the eel. Rub salt and cornstarch over the eel to remove all the slim, rinse well. Remove the bone between the flesh of the eel. Pat dry it. Score the flesh and cut it into 5-cm pieces.

  2. Marinate the eel with salt, black pepper, garlic, lemon peel, white wine vinegar and bay leaves for an hour.

  3. Make the sauce. Pour the sugar into a pan and heat up to make caramel, then deglaze with balsamic vinegar. Add chopped strawberries, soy sauce and brandy in and cook until thicken. Then turn off the heat and leave aside for later use.

  4. Pat dry the eel again and dust in cornstarch. Deep-fry the eel in a pot of hot oil at 170C for about 2 minutes. Take them out when done. Bring the oil up to 200C, and re-fry the eel again for one more minute.

  5. At the same time, heat up the sauce again, then get the eel in and coat them with sauce.

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