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最強雞翼 之 土匪雞翼 Cumin Chicken Wings

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark


最強雞翼 Pt. 1/2

最強雞翼 Pt. 2/2

【土匪雞翼 Cumin Chicken Wings】


鹽酥雞翼 + 水牛城辣雞翼

今次要分享大家做一道最好吃的雞翼,因為它集合了土匪雞翼的惹味、單骨雞翼的方便 、鹽酥雞的香脆及水牛城雞翼的香辣,集合所有優點於一隻雞翼之中,還不是最好吃的雞翼! 上半部分先教大家土匪雞翼的做法!


材料 Ingredients:

(約20隻單骨雞翼 ~20 pcs)

  • 雞翼 Chicken Wings|1 磅 pound / 10 隻 pcs

  • 孜然粉 Cumin powder | 2 茶匙 tsp

  • 五香粉 Five spice powder | 1/2 茶匙 tsp

  • 蒜粉 Garlic powder | 1 茶匙 tsp

  • 甜椒粉 Paprika | 1 茶匙 tsp

  • Chicken powder | 1 茶匙 tsp

  • 豉油 Soy sauce | 1 茶匙 tsp

  • 紹興酒 Chinese cooking wine | 2 茶匙 tsp

  • 麻油 Sesame oil | 1 茶匙 tsp

  • 蠔油 Oyster sauce | 1 茶匙 tsp

  • 黑芝麻 Black sesame seeds | 1 湯匙 tbsp


做法 Directions:

  1. 先處理雞翼。把雞翼洗乾淨之後,用鉸剪開半成單骨雞翼,再用廚房紙徹底印乾。

  2. 在一隻大碗中,放入孜然粉、五香粉、蒜粉、甜椒粉、雞粉、豉油、紹興酒、麻油和蠔油,攪勻。再放入雞雞翼拌勻。封保鮮紙後,放入雪櫃醃至少30分鐘(或最多12小時)。

  3. 醃好後,把雞翼放在焗盆上,以攝氏180度烤焗12至15分鐘便完成。

  1. Wash your chicken wings. Use a pair of scissors to cut the wings in half. Use kitchen towel to dry the wings thoroughly.

  2. In a mixing bowl, add cumin powder, five spice powder, garlic powder, paprika, chicken powder, soy sauce, Chinese cooking wine, sesame oil and oyster sauce in, mix well. Then add the chicken wings in and coat them with the marinate completely. Wrap with plastic wrap and let them sit in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes (or up to 12 hours).

  3. When you are ready to cook them, place the wings onto a baking tray. Bake them at 180C for 12-15 minutes. Done!


#AndyDark #Dark_cooks #Dark_cooks_Chinese #中式料理

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