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韓式辣煮鳳爪 Korean Spicy Chicken Feet 불닭발

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【韓式辣煮鳳爪 Korean Spicy Chicken Feet 불닭발】




材料 Ingredients:

  • 雞腳 Chicken feet | ~600 g / ~20 pcs

  • 雞湯 Chicken stock | 250 ml

  • 韓式辣椒醬 Gochujang | 1 tbsp

  • 韓國辣椒碎 Korean chilli flakes | 1 tbsp

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 2 tbsp

  • 味啉 Mirin | 1 tbsp

  • 醬油 Soy sauce | 2 tbsp

  • 麻油 Sesame oil | 1 + 1 tbsp

  • 粟膠 Corn syrup | 1 tbsp

  • 蒜蓉 Grated garlic | 6 cloves

  • 薑蓉 Grated ginger | 1 thumb

  • 水 Water | 75 ml

  • 芝麻 Sesame seeds | 1 tsp

  • 蔥花 Scallion (chopped) | 1 tbsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先,把雞腳的指甲剪去。煮沸一鍋熱水,放入薑片和少量米酒,再放入雞腳,汆水10分鐘。完成後,撈起備用。

  2. 在一隻鑊中加入少量菜油,把雞腳略為煎香。然後倒入雞湯,放上蓋子。煲滾後轉細火,慢煮15分鐘。

  3. 同時間,在一隻小碗中,把韓式辣椒醬、辣椒碎、醬油、麻油、粟膠、蒜蓉、薑蓉和水拌勻。

  4. 15分鐘後,把醬料倒入鑊中,拌勻後,再放上蓋子,再慢煮15分鐘。時間夠,把蓋子移開,把醬汁煮至稠身。關火,再放上蓋子,焗15分鐘便可以上碟。再淋上少量麻油,灑上芝麻和蔥花作裝飾便完成。

  1. First, chop off the nails from the chicken feet. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add some ginger slices and cooking wine, then add the chicken feet in. Blanch the feet for 10 minutes. Remove the feet when it's done.

  2. In a big pan, add some cooking oil, slightly brown the feet. Then pour the chicken stock in and cover with a lid. Bring it to a boil and turn the heat down to simmer, cook the feet for 15 minutes over low heat.

  3. At the same time, mix gochujang, Korean chilli flakes, sugar, mirin, soy sauce, sesame oil, corn syrup, grated garlic, grated ginger and water together in a small bowl.

  4. After 15 minutes, pour the sauce into the pan and mix everything together. Cover with a lid again, and cook the chicken feet over low heat for another 15 minutes. When done, remove the lid and cook until the sauce thicken. Turn off the heat and place the lid back again. Let it sit for another 15 minutes before serving. Drizzle some sesame oil over the chicken feet. Sprinkle some sesame seeds and chopped scallion on top, and it's ready to be served.


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