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韓式芽菜湯飯 Korean Bean Sprouts Soup with Rice 콩나물국밥

【🇰🇷 韓式芽菜湯飯 Korean Bean Sprouts Soup with Rice 콩나물국밥】

之前有朋友話自己廚藝唔係特別好,又想整啲簡單有營養嘅食物俾屋企人食,所以今次就分享呢個 #韓式芽菜湯飯 俾大家~


準備功夫好簡單,嫌無乜蛋白質又可以加啲雞肉、豬肉碎等等落去~ 呢個初級菜式一定適合鍾意食韓國菜嘅所有朋友!


份量 Portion - 2 份servings

材料 Ingredients:

  • 鯷魚乾 Dry anchovies | ~12 pcs

  • 昆布 Kelp (dashima)| ~10 pc

  • 水 Water | 1.5 L

  • 洋蔥 Onion | 1 pc

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 4 cloves

  • 泡菜 Kimchi | 200 g

  • 蔥 Scallion | 1 stalk

  • 大豆芽菜 Bean sprouts | 300 g

  • 豉油 Soy sauce | 1 tbsp

  • 白飯 Cooked rice | 2 bowls

  • 雞蛋 Eggs | 2 pcs

  • 麻油 Sesame oil | 2 tbsp

  • 芝麻 Sesame seeds | 2 tsp

  • 韓國辣椒粉 Korean chilli flakes | 2 tsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 製作高湯。先把鯷魚乾的頭和內臟除去,白鑊把魚肉和骨烘香,加入水和海帶,煲滾轉細火煮20分鐘。完成後,隔渣備用。

  2. 處理材料。把洋蔥切絲、蒜頭切成蒜蓉、泡菜切碎和把蔥切成蔥花。

  3. 把高湯煲滾後,加入豉油、蒜蓉和芽菜,放上蓋子,煮5分鐘。完成後把芽菜撈起備用。

  4. 在一隻韓式陶鍋中,順次序先放入洋蔥絲、一碗白飯、泡菜碎和芽菜。準備進食之前,加入約400毫升高湯,把陶鍋放在爐頭上煲滾,滾起後煮大概2至3分鐘。加入麻油,在上端打入一隻雞蛋,放上芝麻、韓國辣椒碎和蔥花便完成。

  1. Make the stock. Remove the head and the organs/ gut inside the fish. Toast the flesh and bone of the anchovies until fragrant. Add water and kelp in and bring it to a boil, then turn down to simmer and cook for 20 minutes. When done, strain the liquid and reserve for later use.

  2. Prepare the other ingredients. Slice the onion. Mince the garlic. Roughly chop the kimchi and slice the scallion.

  3. Bring the stock liquid to a boil again, add soy sauce, minced garlic and bean sprouts in. Cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. When done, strain the bean sprouts out.

  4. In a Korean clay pot (or a small pot), add sliced onion at the bottom, then followed by cooked rice, kimchi and bean sprouts. Before you are ready to eat/ serve, add about 400ml of the stock in. Place the clay pot over the stove and bring everything to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add some sesame oil and crack an egg on top. Add some sesame, Korean chilli flakes and chopped onion on top, then this gukbap is really to be served!

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