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蟶子意式老鼠粉Passatelli w/ Razor Clams

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【蟶子意式老鼠粉 Passatelli w/ Razor Clams】

曾於MasterClass看到名廚Massimo Bottura分享過passatelli這道菜式,所以先前亦在節目中分享過我這個用上魚湯再配搭蟶子的版本。(其實passatelli就是passatelli,只不過硬要翻譯成中文,最相近的也只能說是老鼠粉~)



材料 Ingredients:

- 意式老鼠粉 Passatelli -

麵包糠 Bread crumbs | 80 g

巴馬臣芝士 Parmesan cheese | 100 g

雞蛋 Eggs | 2 pcs

豆蔻 Nutmeg | 1/8 tsp

檸檬皮 Lemon zest | 1/2 pc

- 魚湯 Fish stock -

魚骨 Fish bone | 1 pc

乾蔥 Shallots | 2 pc

大蒜 Leek | 1 pc

牛油 Butter | 1 tbsp

白酒 White wine | 100 ml

水 Water | 500 ml

蟶子 Razor clams | 4 pcs

牛油 Butter | 1 tbsp

蒜頭 Garlic | 1 clove

乾蔥 Shallot | 1 pc

番茜 Parsley | “

百里香 Thyme | “

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先將麵包糠、芝士、雞蛋、豆蔻粉和檸檬皮搓勻,放旁20分鐘。

  2. 在小鍋中放入牛油,把乾蔥和大蒜炒香,加入魚骨繼續炒,再灒白酒,注入水份,煲20分鐘,隔渣,加鹽胡椒粉調味,魚湯便完成。

  3. 在平底鑊中加入牛油,用中細火炒香蒜頭乾蔥,放入蟶子轉大火,加入少量魚湯,冚蓋。蒸煮2至3分鐘。最後拌入番茜便可。

  4. 把麵糰用薯壓直接壓進煲滾的魚湯中,用刀把意粉切斷,煮1至2分鐘便完成。

  5. 用湯勺把魚湯和意粉撈進一隻碗中,再放上蟶子和香草便完成。

  1. First, mix bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, eggs, nutmeg and lemon zest together and knead it into a dough. Let it rest on the side for about 20 minutes.

  2. In a small pot, add butter and saute the sliced shallots and leeks for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then add the fish bones and keep cooking for another 2 minutes. Deglaze with white wine. Add the water and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the fish stock and adjust the seasoning.

  3. In a frying pan, add some butter and saute the garlic and shallot. Turn the heat up and add the razor clams in. Add a ladle of stock into the pan and cover with a lid immediately. Let the clams cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and add some freshly chopped parsley and mix well.

  4. Use a potato ricer to press the dough directly into the boiling stock. Cut the pasta to about 5-cm long. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes and it should be done.

  5. Use a ladle and get the soup and passatelli into a bowl. Place the razor clams on top and garnish with some more fresh herbs. This pasta is ready to be served.

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