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焦糖魚露炸雞翼 Patis Chicken Wings

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【🇵🇭焦糖魚露炸雞翼 Patis Chicken Wings】




材料 Ingredients:

- 醃料 Marinade -

  • 雞翼 Chicken wings | ~800 g

  • 魚露 Fish sauce | 120 ml

  • 水 Water | 40 ml

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 150 g

  • 薑片 Ginger | 4 slices

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 4 cloves

  • 自發粉 Self-rising flour | 50 g

  • 粘米粉 Rice flour | 150 g

  • 指天椒 Chopped fresh chilli | 1 pc

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 120 g

  • 魚露 Fish sauce | 80 ml

  • 水 Water | 60 ml

  • 青檸汁 Lime juice | 1 pc

- 田園沙拉醬 Ranch Dressing -

  • 蛋黃醬 Mayonnaise | 100 g

  • 酸忌廉 Sour cream | 50 g

  • 薄荷葉 Mint | 10 leaves

  • 蒜粉 Garlic powder | 1/2 tsp

  • 洋蔥粉 Onion powder | 1/2 tsp

  • 鹽 Salt | 1/4 tsp

  • 胡椒粉 Ground pepper | 1/4 tsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先把雞翼和醃料的魚露、水、砂糖、薑片和蒜頭倒入碗中拌勻,封保鮮紙放雪櫃醃過夜(或至少8小時)。

  2. 第二天,在一隻碗中把自發粉和粘米粉拌勻。把醃好的雞翼撈起印乾水,均匀地沾上粉,放入油鑊中以180度炸熟,約7至10分鐘。完成後,撈起瀝油。

  3. 在一隻平底鑊中加入指天椒碎、砂糖、魚露和水以大火煮溶,放入炸起的雞翼兜勻,直至收汁。關火後,最後刨上青檸皮和加入青檸汁拌勻,便可上碟。

  4. 製作田園沙律醬。把薄荷葉切碎,與所有沙拉醬材料拌勻便完成。

  1. First, marinate the chicken wings with fish sauce, water, sugar, ginger slices and garlic in a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap. Place the bowl in the fridge overnight (or at least 8 hours).

  2. The next day, mix self-rising flour and rice flour in a bowl. Pat dry the wings and coat the wings with the flour evenly. Place them into a pot of hot oil, and deep fry them at 180C. Cook for 7-10 minutes. When done, take the wings out.

  3. In a frying pan, add the chopped chilli, sugar, fish sauce and water in, bring everything to a boil. Add the wings back into the pan. Coat them evenly with the syrup. Turn the heat off and zest the lime over the wings and drizzle some lime juice on top. Toss well and the wings are ready to be served.

  4. Make the ranch sauce. Chop the mint leaves and mix it with the rest of the ingredients for the dressing.

⭐️ 小貼士 Tips:

- 如果怕辣嘅朋友可以唔加指天椒;好辣嘅朋友,當然可以加更多辣椒🌶️

- 一邊煲返《大叔的愛》,一邊享用此雞翼再搭返支啤酒,肯定格外好食❤️

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